Preparing your Presentation

For those presenting at ASA2025 Melbourne, we have collated all the resources you may need to aid in your preparation. In the lead up to the conference, we welcome you to use the below guidelines and resources to prepare your presentation(s). 

ASA2025 Presentation Guidelines [download]

ASA2025 PowerPoint Template [download]

Presenter Skills Matrix [download]

*Resources should download immediately. If not, please allow access to pop ups and downloads in your browser.


The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre will have an AV helpdesk onsite, and an IT technician in most rooms to assist with any technical issues throughout the conference. 

Uploading Presentations Prior to the conference

You can submit your presentation (PowerPoint Only) before the conference or alternatively you can upload it on the day onsite. 

On the Day

The ASA recommends allowing at least 1.5-2 hours before your first session time, even if you have uploaded your presentation in advance. This is to ensure everything is working with the loaded presentation.

Virtual Presentations
(Live and Pre-Recorded)

If you are presenting remotely, information on how to access your session will be emailed closer to the conference. This email will contain a specific Zoom link to join on the day, and by clicking this link you will enter a virtual green room to test audio & video ahead of presenting. 

Pre-recorded presentations must be submitted to ASA by 5pm (AEST) Monday 26th May 2025. 
Please refer to our Instructions for Pre-Recording & Submitting a Presentation

Presenting a Workshop

Please read the ASA Scanning for Teaching Purposes Guidelines.

All workshops require a minimum of 50% live scanning to ensure it is an interactive, hands-on session as intended. 


Where is the Speaker Preparation Room located?

It is located on the ground floor of the Convention Centre. 

If I have already uploaded my presentation in advance, do I still need to go to the Speaker Preparation Room?

Yes, all presenters must report to the Speaker Preparation Centre at least 1.5-2 hours prior to their 1st session, if you are completing multiple presentations, you will only have to visit once to upload all your presentations.

What time should I arrive at my session?

Presenters should arrive at their allocated room no later than 15 minutes prior to their session. 

How do I find my presentation once I am at the lectern?

Using the touchscreen located on the lectern, click on your name. Your presentation will be hyperlinked from here.

Can I bring my own device?

It is preferable to use MCEC devices, however if required, you may bring your own presentation laptop/device. You must supply your own power supply and adapter to output via HDMI.

Does MCEC supply adaptors?

No, it is not possible for MCEC to supply adaptors for externally provided equipment. 

What size format should presentations be in?

All displayed images (projection or LCD screen) are 16:9 widescreen and HD resolution (1920x1080).

Will there be an AV operator in my room?

Not all rooms will have dedicated operators. If there is no operator in your room, you can find assistance at an AV Helpdesk located close by. 

Can I practice using the lectern technology?

Equipment will be set up within the Speaker Preparation Room, you are welcome to practice and familiarise yourself with the lectern technology. The Speaker Preparation Manager can facilitate a demonstration. 

What operating system do the MCEC laptops run? 

Windows 10.

What format should videos be saved in?

.MP4 (H264) or .MOV (H264), if played outside of PowerPoint. 

What security protocols are in place?

All computers are updated regularly to ensure they are equipped with latest security software. All presentations are deleted from the computers at the conclusion of the event. 

ASA2025 | The largest conference for sonographers in the world