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VASC | Varicose veins - basic to advanced

213 | Siemens Healthineers
Saturday, June 14, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:25 AM
213 | Siemens Healthineers


Ms Michelle Rodeh


Agenda Item Image
Ms Michelle Rodeh
Chief Vascular Sonographer
Precision Vascular Ultrasound

Varicose veins - basic to advanced


This workshop is to introduce sonographers how to undertake ultrasound of varicose veins with the view to what the Vascular surgeon requires for potential treatment.


Ms Michelle Rodeh | Precision Vascular Ultrasound I moved to Melbourne in 1989 where I worked in Medial Research. I trained as a Vascular sonographer with a Vascular surgeon at Prince Henry's hospitaI in 1991. I have been a Vascular sonographer for 33 years working in both Radiology and in Vascular laboratories. I am now Chief Sonographer at Precision Vascular Ultrasound working for 2 surgeons where I scan all types of vascular ultrasound examinations as well as assist in Venaseal surgery with the surgeon in theatre and in the rooms. I was an examiner and board member for the DMU (Vasc). I have organized and presented at ASA conferences. I am passionate about vascular ultrasound and love exchanging knowledge with my fellow sonographers.