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MSK | Groin hernias

213 | Siemens Healthineers
Saturday, June 14, 2025
1:45 PM - 2:25 PM
213 | Siemens Healthineers


Mr Jerome Boyle


Agenda Item Image
Mr Jerome Boyle
Ultrasound Coordinator
Imaging Associates

Groin hernias

1:45 PM - 2:25 PM


The groin is colloquially referred to by anatomists as the ‘Bermuda triangle’ of the human body owing to the complex and often poorly understood anatomy. And whilst groin pain is a common clinical entity, the confusing constellation of patient symptoms will often leave referring clinician’s scratching their heads. So the honour (or burden!) of diagnostician not infrequently falls to the sonographer to exclude herniae.

Hernia ultrasound can easily instill fear in many sonographers, so this presentation aims to increase the sonographic confidence of attendees by offering a methodical and systematic approach to hernia ultrasound. Key objectives include simplification of the anatomy and how to reliably achieve diagnostic scan planes.


Mr Jerome Boyle | Imaging Associates Jerome is the Chief Sonographer for the Imaging Associates Group where he leads a team of 50+ sonographers. He has been scanning since 2011 and in that time has fostered an undeniable passion for quality focussed ultrasound which achieves good patient outcomes. Jerome remains passionate about all facets of ultrasound, but particularly enjoys obstetric and MSK ultrasound. Jerome has presented at local, state and national conferences on an array of topics and most recently presented conducted a 3-day MSK roadshow in Singapore for Philips. He has authored and co-authored several peer reviewed articles in international publications. When he’s not busy with his head in an anatomy text, or doing dodgy house renovations he is proud dad to a 2 year old.