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BREAST | Breast lesions

Saturday, June 14, 2025
1:45 PM - 3:05 PM
217 | Lecture Rm


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Ms Dalena Nguyen
Monash Health

Sonography of cysts that matter

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


Breast cysts are among the most frequently encountered benign breast conditions. While most cysts are simple and do not require further intervention, some may present characteristics that warrant closer surveillance or biopsy. Ultrasound is essential in differentiating simple cysts from more complex ones, aiding in clinical decision-making and guiding appropriate management strategies.


Ms Dalena Nguyen | Monash Health Dalena is a Senior Sonographer and Point of Care Ultrasound Educator at Monash Health, with a special interest in women’s health, musculoskeletal, and paediatric ultrasound. After completing a Women’s Health fellowship in 2021, she has presented and chaired at multiple ASA events. Since 2023, Dalena is also a member of the ASA VIC branch committee, with a strong passion for teaching and promoting quality education.
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Mrs Jing Fang
Monash Health

High risk breast lesions: what can we detect on ultrasound?

1:45 PM - 2:05 PM


High-risk breast lesions are those of uncertain malignant potential, encompassing a range of pathological entities with varying risks of malignancy. With the implementation of screening programs, the increasing use of multi-modality imaging, and improved imaging techniques, these lesions are being diagnosed more frequently.

This presentation aims to review several high-risk lesions detectable via ultrasound, including atypical ductal hyperplasia, papillary lesions, radial scars, and phyllodes tumours. It will discuss rate of upgrade to malignancy, ultrasound appearance, scanning techniques, and differential diagnosis.


Mrs Jing Fang | Monash Health Jing Fang has served as the ultrasound supervisor at Moorabbin Hospital, a tertiary level breast centre, Monash Health. She is passionate about breast and gynaecology ultrasound and has published and presented on her areas of expertise at local workshops and national conferences. Jing has also held the roles of subspecialty clinical lead and fellowship program lead for breast and gynecological ultrasound at Monash Health. Currently, she is a unit lecturer for the Master of Medical Ultrasound program at Monash University.
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Mr Ian Schroen
Senior Sonographer & Site Supervisor
I-Med Network

Nodes of the breast and axilla

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM


Mr Ian Schroen AFASA | I-Med Network Ian has built a diverse and accomplished career in diagnostic imaging. Starting as a radiographer, he specialized in vascular ultrasound before progressing to all aspects of diagnostic ultrasound. His career evolved further with a successful role in corporate healthcare, where he gained extensive experience in sales and marketing. Holding a Master’s of Medical Ultrasound, Ian is passionate about all facets of clinical ultrasound, including imaging technology, teaching, and research. He previously served as President of the Australasian Sonographers Association and currently as an associate lecturer at Monash University, where he teaches the vascular ultrasound subject in the Post-Graduate Ultrasound program.
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Ms Jenny Parkes
Senior Sonographer I-med Radiology, Clinical Specialist Sonographer Breastscreen Eastern Health
IMED Radiology

BI-RADS edition 6 update

2:45 PM - 3:05 PM


The Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) is a standardized system developed by the American College of Radiology (ACR) for categorizing breast imaging findings and guiding management decisions. Each category within the BI-RADS system provides a clear framework for interpreting breast imaging results and determining appropriate follow-up actions.

The first edition was released in 1993 providing a standardised lexicon for describing mammographic findings, a structured reporting format, and assessment categories with associated management recommendations.

The 6th edition is currently in development; it was expected to be finalized 2024 but has still not been formally released. Based on some details shared by those involved, below are some updates that are likely to be included in the 6th edition for mammographer, US and MRI as we should be familiar with all modality descriptors.

Likely changes are:
- reinstatement of the Mass Shape descriptor “Lobular”
- inclusion of the term “nonmass lesions”
- inclusion of the term “echogenic rind”
- changes to calcification descriptors
- changes to the use of the term Assymetry
- inclusion of lymph nodes – normal or abnormal
- terms to characterise gynaecomastia
- terminology re kastectomy patients
- breast density risk issues
- MRI full or abreviated protocol
- changes to the MRI descriptor “focus”
- auditing advice updates.

These changes are likely to occur based on reliable sources. This abstract has been written in the hope that the BI-RADS 6th edition will be available to confirm.



Ms Jenny Parkes FASA | IMED Radiology Jenny Parkes currently works as a clinical specialist sonographer at Maroondah Breast Screen and as a senior sonographer with I-Med Radiology based in East Melbourne. She is also the Breast and Thyroid Unit Coordinator of the Monash University Masters of Medical Ultrasound course. Jenny has had many years experience in general ultrasound, specialising in breast and neck imaging in addition to professional roles including Past President of the ASA and is a current Board Member of the ASAR. Jenny is also a Fellow of the ASA (FASA). She is often asked to present and teach breast ultrasound and enjoys this very much.