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BREAST | Fundamentals, scan techniques, optimisation

220 | Philips Life Healthcare
Saturday, June 14, 2025
11:50 AM - 12:40 PM
220 | Philips Life Healthcare


Ms Jenny Parkes


Agenda Item Image
Ms Jenny Parkes
Senior Sonographer I-med Radiology, Clinical Specialist Sonographer Breastscreen Eastern Health
IMED Radiology

Fundamentals - scan techniques, image optimisation and lesion workup

11:50 AM - 12:40 PM


This breast workshop is aimed at those new to breast ultrasound or those wanting to refresh their knowledge.

A review of the techniques that I utilise will be provided and live scanning will demonstrate:
- routine survey imaging
- targeted scanning
- axilla levels 1-3
- nipple specifically.

Discussion will also include as time permits:
- working up a suspicious area
- mass and non mass findings.


Ms Jenny Parkes FASA | IMED Radiology Jenny Parkes currently works as a clinical specialist sonographer at Maroondah Breast Screen and as a senior sonographer with I-Med Radiology based in East Melbourne. She is also the Breast and Thyroid Unit Coordinator of the Monash University Masters of Medical Ultrasound course. Jenny has had many years experience in general ultrasound, specialising in breast and neck imaging in addition to professional roles including Past President of the ASA and is a current Board Member of the ASAR. Jenny is also a Fellow of the ASA (FASA). She is often asked to present and teach breast ultrasound and enjoys this very much.