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GEN | Ultrasound of the penis

Saturday, June 14, 2025
1:45 PM - 2:25 PM
211 | Workshop Rm


Mr Stephen Abbott


Agenda Item Image
Mr Steven Abbott
Fiona Stanley Hospital

Ultrasound of the penis


The Penis in many departments is infrequently the focus of an ultrasound study. In contrast, ultrasound of the female reproductive organs are common, and as a result sonography is usually of a high standard and conducted with ease.
With this infrequency of requests for Sonography of the penis, it is viewed as specialised and complicated. As such it is generally not performed optimally. This raises the need for a systematic approach, a substantiated protocol and a good anatomical knowledge of the penis will help you achieve good results.
The Medicare MBS item number is 55282 or 55284 across Australia in 2022/23 in a private setting 41% of patients incurred out-of-pocket expense. Typically, around $139 - $180 of the typical fee $288 0r $330 depending on MBS used.
Penile ultrasound is used to diagnose many things from Peyronie's, Priapism, erectile disfunction to fractures and foreign bodies.
The workshop will cover
Penile anatomy.
Penile associated pathologies.
Live Scanning of a Penis…


Mr Steven Abbott | Fiona Stanley Hospital Qualified since 2013 Multiple Presentations at National Conferences Co-authored several articles Working at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Western Australia Interests in; -Shear wave elastography -Male focused ultrasound -Abdomen