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BREAST | Advanced scanning techniques for difficult and interesting breast cases

219 | Canon Medical
Friday, June 13, 2025
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
219 | Canon Medical


Mrs Louise Worley


Agenda Item Image
Mrs Louise Worley
Tutor Sonographer NE region IMED Victoria
IMED Radiology

Advanced scanning techniques for difficult and interesting breast cases

1:30 PM - 2:20 PM


There are many reasons a breast ultrasound can be difficult. You may be dealing with a true mass, a non-mass lesion, a region of inflammation or an area of normal tissue for that patient. The Sonographer needs strategies to decide if we are likely to be dealing with a benign or malignant region. This presentation will give the Sonographer strategies to notice and work up areas within the difficult breast, which may or may not have pathology.
The pathology may be difficult to see or camouflage because:
1. It is isoechoic to the surrounding tissue.
2. It lies amongst shadowing Cooper’s ligaments.
3. It is within dense breast tissue-not enough penetration.
4. More compression is needed.
5. Less compression is needed- with low flow settings.
6. It is larger than probe size.
7. Invasive cancer-non defined edges.
8. There is no solitary mass and the anatomical variation has not been recognised.

The presentation will show many cases with pathology initially not recognised unless “worked up”. The demonstration will cover the importance of ultrasound anatomical recognition, technical strategies including probe technique, breast positioning and machine optimization. Techniques will include strategies to visualise ductal lesions behind the nipple and recurrence adjacent scars. Dynamic options to recognise surrounding tissue effects will also be given.


Ms Louise Worley FASA | I-Med Victoria Louise works as Tutor Sonographer for I-Med Victoria North-Eastern Region & has been teaching with I-Med for 30 years. She is passionate about Ultrasound education. She has presented at many ASA and ASUM local Branch and National meetings, for Radiology Across Borders, as well as World International meetings and webinars, as an invited speaker for obstetrics, breast, gynaecology, abdominal, vascular, paediatrics, AI and MSK ultrasound. In the course of her work, Louise has taught ultrasound to many student and qualified Sonographers and Radiology registrars. She was awarded ASA Trainer of the Year in 2013, ASA Victorian Sonographer of the year in 2017, ASA Pru Pratten Lifetime Memorial Achievement Award in 2019. Louise has been awarded a Fellowship of the ASA for her contributions to Ultrasound and has been bestowed an ASA Lifetime Membership.